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Global Point Partners with Solar Co-op

7 June 2016, posted under Global Point Energy, Solar News |

Our 5 solar projects with our partner the Peterborough Community Energy Co-operative have been running for over a year now. We have 5 large solar plants setup on roofs leased from building owners ranging from 100 kW and 500 kW within the city limits of Peterborough. All are running at or close to predicted output and are contributing in a major way to reducing our carbon footprint and generating income. These 5 plants combined for a total of over 1350 megawatts of power produced in the last year. That’s enough to power over 200,000 homes!

Global Point Energy has experience building all sizes of solar photovoltaic plants. We also have experience with thermal hot water installations for larger businesses or farm operations. Give us a call for more information on how you can become part of the solution.

Not pictured: 100 kW system on Neal Drive.

Monaghan Rd. Solar

250 kW Solar PV System on Monaghan Road.

Chemong Plaza solar

250 kW Solar PV System at Chemong Plaza.

Rye park solar

250 kW Solar PV System on Rye Street.

Braidwood 500kw solar

500 kW Solar PV System on Braidwood Ave.